Tuesday 9 November 2010

Steamed Eggs

This is a very simple and easy yet tasty way to eat your eggs. Ever since my Chinese husband introduced this recipe to me -I fell in love with it straight away as it is so easy and quick to prepare. Its just a shame my daughter has a dairy allergy!


3 eggs

1-2 handful of finely chopped spring onion

salt, pepper


(soya sauce)

(Ceramic bowl)


1. Whisk the eggs

2. Add the spring onions, sugar and soya sauce (if used). Season well and give it another good mix.

3. Put the mixture into a ceramic bowl, if its not in there yet. You will a steamer something like this:

Put the steamer over some boiling water and put your bowl on top, close it with a lid. Leave it to steam up to the point when it has fully risen.
Tip: Many rice cookers come with a steamer, you can steam the eggs with the rice together.

Hope you will enjoy this recipe

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